How Does Poor Hygiene Affect The Health of Babies? When Preparing Formula Feeds fact
How Does Poor Hygiene Affect The Health of Babies? When Preparing Formula Feeds fact
Hi mother, I know you want to protect your baby at all costs
Hi mother, I know you want to protect your baby at all costs
We all know newborns' immune systems are fragile
We all know newborns' immune systems are fragile
Formula feeding hygiene might affect your baby's health.
Formula feeding hygiene might affect your baby's health.
Bacteria from improper bottle sanitation might make your infant unwell.
Bacteria from improper bottle sanitation might make your infant unwell.
The Importance of Proper Hygiene When Preparing Baby Formula
The Importance of Proper Hygiene When Preparing Baby Formula
1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly
2. Equipment sterilization
3. Use Proper Water
1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly
2. Equipment sterilization
3. Use Proper Water
Common Mistakes That Lead to Contamination
1. Unwashed hands
2. Unsterilized gear
3. Dangerous bottle prep
Common Mistakes That Lead to Contamination
1. Unwashed hands
2. Unsterilized gear
3. Dangerous bottle prep
Steps to Ensure Proper Hygiene When Making Formula
Steps to Ensure Proper Hygiene When Making Formula
1. Wash Your Hands
2. Carefully Measure Ingredients
3. Mix Well
4. Store unused formula
1. Wash Your Hands
2. Carefully Measure Ingredients
3. Mix Well
4. Store unused formula
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